Choosing the right drone for advanced operations

Choosing the right drone for advancedoperations


When buying a drone, it's important to choose the one that's right foryou, i.e. the one that will enable you to do what you want to do safely.

To this end, Transport Canada has developed a safety assurance systemfor unmanned aircraft systems (UAS).


Advanced operations require SATP safety assurance

SATP safety assurance tells you which advanced operations your drone isapproved for.

These include flying your drone :

- in controlled airspace

- near or over people

Operating the drone within the safety limits established by themanufacturer. Manufacturers may self-declare to Transport Canada that specificdrone models meet the requirements for advanced operation.


Safety requirements for UAVs used in advancedoperations

Advanced operation presents a higher risk to bystanders and aircraft,and includes operation near people, over people and in controlled airspace.

A UAV must meet the relevant CAS safety assurance requirements forcertain advanced operations. Compliance with CAS safety assurance for anadvanced operation does not make the drone suitable for all advancedoperations.


Declaring your drone for advanced operations

If you build or modify drones, you can submit a drone safetyassurance declaration to Transport Canada identifying the capabilities ofthe system.


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