Hefty fine for a drone pilot!

Over a year ago, we published an article about drone operations over wildfires. To read it, click here! In this article, we mentioned the risks incurred by flying over a forest fire with your drone, but also the possibility of being given a fine by violating these regulations.

Indeed, these sanctions were created to dissuade any pilot from flying adrone in these airspaces since the safety of all could be compromised.

In December 2022, the Copa National website published details of such a fine having been issued to someone who failed to comply with these regulations.

‘’ Rajwinder Singh must pay a fine of $10,000 before June 8, 2023. It is the largest fine ever issued for illegal drone operation in any place operated by Parks Canada.

During his court date on Dec. 8, Singh pleaded guilty to the charge of operating an aircraft without a permit under section 2(3) of the Aircraft Access Regulations of the Canada National Parks Act.’’

Mr. Singh not only did not respect the ban on flying over a forest fire,but in addition, he flew his drone in the airspace located above an area operated by Parks Canada.

To read full original article: https://copanational.org/hefty-fine-issued-for-drone-operation-during-wildfire/

In conclusion, remember that no one should ignore the law. It is much safer to take a few minutes to do research before going to fly than to do nothing and be handed a fine as big as Mr. Singh's!

In other words: it’s better to be safe than sorry!