Progress and Quantification of
construction work

Drones are playing an increasingly important role in monitoring the progress and quantifying construction work, providing a multitude of benefits for industry professionals.

Real-time overview

Drones provide a real-time overview of the construction site, providing project managers with a global view of the progress of the work. This facilitates quick decision-making and efficient resource management.

Accuracy and detail

Drone-mounted cameras capture high-resolution images, allowing every detail of the construction site to be precisely documented, including the work completed, the materials used and any quality issues.

Cost reduction

Drone inspections reduce costs associated with manual site monitoring, sending inspectors to site, and potential delays. This makes it possible to optimize the use of budgetary resources.

Remote monitoring

Drones make it possible to monitor the construction site without requiring physical presence on site, which is particularly valuable in projects located in remote or difficult-to-access locations.

Improved security

By avoiding sending personnel to potentially dangerous construction sites, drones help reduce the risk of workplace accidents, which is a priority in terms of safety.

Monitoring the progress of the planning

Images taken by drones make it possible to monitor the progress of the work compared to the initial schedule, helping to identify potential delays and take corrective action.

Complete visual documentation

The images and videos taken by the drones provide complete visual documentation of the different stages of the project. They can be used to resolve contractual disputes and archive site history.

Improved communication

Data collected by drones can be shared easily with project stakeholders, promoting effective and transparent communication.

3D mapping and modeling

Drones can create 3D models of the construction site, making it easier to visualize and analyze work progress, as well as spot potential problems.

See operations